Wednesday, July 13, 2005

More on Hygenie

A couple of weeks ago I met a friend on a Wednesday morning, after I'd taken Mia to swim class and ducked home for a quick shower. She repeatedly admired my "new" haircut and said how much she liked it.

But here's the thing. I hadn't had a haircut in four months.

Now that I'm thinking about hygenie, I'm realizing that she'd just never seen me with clean hair before. It is virtually impossible to take a shower when my kids around around. I used to put Mia in the exersaucer, but now she kicks and screams as if I'm trying to kill her. The only time I can take a shower is when they're napping in the afternoons.

So I realize that I have a whole group of friends that I've met at the playground or playdates or whatever who have never seen me clean. They have no idea what I really look like. I am usually a clean freak, but all of these people would sure never know it to look at me!

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