Tuesday, July 12, 2005


In less than 24 hours last weekend I found out that an old friend died very suddenly (leaving behind three daughters ages 6, 4 and 2) and another friend's child had a horrible accident (from which he will recover, but it will be a long recovery after a week in intensive care and a terrible ordeal for the entire family). In those same 24 hours, a different friend gave birth to twins and another returned from China with a beautiful baby girl.

Somehow it always seems that things happen in bunches like this. I don't want to say something cheesy about the circle of life, or lie that it makes you feel better about losing a friend to know that there are new babies out there, or babies that now have happy homes. I'm still finding myself crying at the drop of a hat.

But it does remind you that good things do happen. And that helps.

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