Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Dental Floss

I went to the dentist for a teeth cleaning today and as they were flossing my teeth I realized I hadn't flossed since my last visit six months ago. Not one single time. It isn't that I'm philosophically opposed to flossing. I just forgot about the whole concept. My mind is so full with preschools, playdates and potty training that flossing got lost in the shuffle.

My mind can only hold a proscribed amount of information at any one time. That's why I can still remember Jim Woodruff's phone number from junior high (226-4097) but sometimes having trouble recalling my husband's cell. Or my own.

So in addition to interrupting my sleep patterns, social life and everything else, my kids are affecting my personal hygenie too. I guess that's more than anyone really needed to know...

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