Thursday, December 11, 2008

Mani Milestone

Today was a major milestone. For the first time, Mia and I went together to get our nails done! I know, at first blush it doesn't sound like much. But this is a cherished activity for me -- and for the past six years I've had to arrange childcare if I want to enjoy it. And this year, I have only a couple of free hours - at best - each week. This morning,I was trying to think of how I could possibly sneak a mani into an already packed week. Then it hit me like a bolt of lightening. Shazaam! Take her!

A few weeks ago, Mia went to a spa birthday party. Which could have been a really disturbing thing, if the parents, friends, and little girl herself weren't so down to earth. As it turned out, it was great fun. And Mia sat quietly as her hair was curled and sprayed with purple glitter, and as her nails were painted blue.

Today, she chose to alternate pink and purple. The manicurist happily indulged what I would consider to be questionable color choices. But most importantly, Mia sat still. She had fun. We both had fun. I was actually able to sit until my own nails were all the way dry. I even got to flip through an issue of People.

I see it as the start of a new era. We'll try pedicures next!

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