Monday, December 01, 2008


I haven't written in a long time. It has been a very busy fall. We started three schools, and quit two. The good news is that everyone is happy!

But we have had a number of exciting Milestones to report on.

Miles is starting to read - a little bit. He read a few pages of a Dick and Jane book to me last weekend. We've noticed that he is pretty risk adverse and doesn't like to do something unless he knows he can get it right. And also that he doesn't mind asking his little sister for help! But it was quite exciting to see him actually READ.

Miles lost his first tooth! (The fairy brought him $5!!)

And the best of all...
Last weekend, while Mike and I were sleeping, Miles took it upon himself to make us coffee. It was a teensy bit on the weak side, but still quite drinkable. I'm hoping this new development doesn't result in him burning himself, or burning the house down. But it is the start of an exciting trend of him taking care of his parents!!

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