I've been working off and on for the last few months doing some contract work. And I have to say to all the working mothers out there - my hat is off to you!
In the process of trying to re-enter the workforce, I've discovered something funny about money. Which is this: when you are working you spend less.
It seems conterintuitive. When you have more money, you have the ability to spend it. When you have less (because you aren't working) you should spend less.
But it doesn't work that way. First, when you are working you have less time to spend money. Second, and more importantly, when you are working, money has more value. When I wasn't working, it was easy to separate myself from money and it is this theoretical concept that has no value. But when I can look at a sweater or a pair of pants and say to myself, "that costs two hours." Or three. Or four. I am so much less apt to buy!