You know it has been awhile since you cleaned out your cabinets when you find something in them that EXPIRED in 1997.
When I was unpacking groceries on Saturday, I noticed a dusty box of Rice A Roni behind the cereal. When I took it out, I was appalled to see that it had expired nine years ago. Which means it has probably been sitting around for ten or eleven. Which is a long time. A VERY long time. Ten years ago, Clinton was president. The Internet han't boomed yet. I wasn't even dating my husband. And now we have a mortgage, wothless Internet stocks, two kids and a lot of anxiety about kindergarten.
I'm very conflicted about how much I want to pride myself on my housekeeping skills. I mean, I don't want to view myself as some sort of fifties stereotype who is fulfilled by spending my days vacuuming the house, cooking dinner and fixing a drink for my husband at the end of it. At the same time, this is sort of my job right now so I'd like to do it well. And, yes, have I mentioned I'm a little compulsive? I realize that old rice isn't exactly a health hazard but still, I'm kind of uncomfortable with what it implies about how clean we are. Not only do we apparently go entire decades without cleaning out, but the worst part is that we moved in 2001, and somehow we still managed to pack it up from the old house and unpack it in the new.....
So being the compulsive person that I am, I thought about cleaning out some more. But I was afraid of what else I might find.